2359 Vermont Ave.
PO Box 2383
Bismarck, ND 58502

If you visit us in person. We are located in the South East corner of the Presort Plus Building

Hours of operation:
M-Th 8am - 4pm CDT
Fr 8am - 3pm CDT
Sat & Sun Closed

We are also closed on all major US Holidays.

© Pro Forms

Additional Resources

If you haven't been able to find exactly the information you need to finish your project on time, we've compiled a list of other websites that provide additional details about the computer systems and software that you're using to design your next project.

Software Tips & Tricks

  • Acrobat, InDesign, Illustrator, Pagemaker, Photoshop, and more.

  • AppleWorks, iMovie, iTunes, and Final Cut Pro

  • CorelDRAW, PhotoPaint, KPT Photoshop Plugins, and Ventura

  • Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, and more

  • QuarkXPress, QuarkWrapture, and XTensions

Fonts & Typography

General Technology

  • Software and hardware reviews, price comparisons, purchasing recommendations, and technology news

  • The place to be if you want to download freeware, shareware, and commercial demonstration software

  • Computer, printer, scanner, monitor, handhelds, and digital camera news and reviews